10 Data Science Interview Questions You must be Acquainted With

1. How would you create a taxonomy to identify key customer trends in unstructured data? The best way to approach this question is to mention that it is good to check with the business owner and understand their objectives before categorizing the data. Having done this, it is always good to follow an iterative approach by pulling new data samples and improving the model accordingly by validating it for accuracy by soliciting feedback from the stakeholders of the business. This helps ensure that your model is producing actionable results and improving over the time. 2 . Python or R – Which one would you prefer for text analytics? The best possible answer for this would be Python because it has Pandas library that provides easy to use data structures and high performance data analysis tools. 3. What are feature vectors? A feature vector is an n-dimensional vector of numerical features that represent some object. In machine learning, feature vectors are ...