Email Marketing Rules which will help improve your Email Open and Click rate

Statistics say over 62% of Email Marketers depend on Email Marketing for Direct communication with target consumers. Yet for some Email Marketing results are not satisfactory.
Below mentioned are a few tactics which can help you improve these three things
1. Increase Website Traffic
2. Improve Open Rate 
3. Improve your click rate
so read on.

Get personal:
Don’t talk to your list, draft an email as if you are mailing just one person. In the from space write your actual name and reputation instead of company’s name or any team name

Make sure people get a reward by reading your emails like providing a useful tip or sharing a unique code etc. Make them feel good and inspired.

Don’t be creepy:
Surely get personal but don’t repeat the name several times and make the communication look like a call centre / sales call script.

Use power Words:
Sensory and emotional words attract attention and make your subject line stand out in crowded inboxes.

Keep it neat:
Edit your emails with rigor. Long and unwieldy emails slaughter your readersinterest. Challenge yourself to cut your text by half next time you edit.

Show what they are missing out on:
Most people are risk averse. They want to avoid inconveniences, glitches, and complications. Consider rephrasing the benefits of your offer as a problem youll help to avoid.

Dont Confuse them:
Have an impeccably clear call to action. Tell your readers exactly what you expect them to do next, and remind them why its in their best interest to buy.

Stick To necessities
When gathering contact information, ask only for the information you really need. Asking unnecessary questions annoys people and may keep them from signing up.

Be Compliant:
Be sure you have a clear and concise privacy policy that details how you will treat your customerspersonal contact information. Include a link to it in every email you send.

Learn from others:
When you get online newsletters from other companies, pay attention to what makes you open some and delete others without reading.

Follow the correct grammar:
Avoid using FREEin your subject line since it has been abused by spam marketers and arouses suspicion.

Be helpful:
Write your messages so they appeal to customer interests and hobbies. Ask your customers what they want to hear about: special offers, new services, etc.

Be user friendly:
Unless your newsletter is unusually long, recipients will probably read it on their screen. Your job is to make this as easy as possible. For headlines, use a larger, bold font that can be scanned quickly.

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